Sew, Mama, Sew! Giveaway Day

elephant.mmeadowblue_0003BWFor Sew, Mama, Sew’s Giveaway Day, I’m giving away an elephant pincushion that I made using a pattern by Heather Bailey. I enjoy making them and they’re always popular when I sell them at crafts shows. I’ll be selling some at Market Day next Saturday and adding some to my Etsy shop soon as well.

I’m always curious about how people learn how to sew and when in life they started sewing. So, in order to enter this giveaway, answer these two questions:  Who taught you how to sew? And at what age did you learn to sew? If you’d also like to share any beginner sewing triumphs or disasters, go for it! I’d love to hear about them. I’m truly sorry, but this giveaway is for U.S. residents only.

For an extra chance to win, you can do so by becoming a follower of my blog. All you have to do is click on the Follow Me button on the right side of my blog; then leave a second comment telling me you’re a follower of my blog. If you’re already a follower, just leave a comment saying you’re already a follower.

The giveaway will end on May 10 at 7:00 p.m. CST. I will randomly choose a winner and contact you by e-mail. So, make sure you leave your e-mail address with your comment. Thanks for stopping by, and good luck! Be sure to head over to Sew, Mama, Sew! and check out the other giveaways, too.

**The giveaway is now closed. The winner is Tamie.
Thanks to everyone who participated!**


187 thoughts on “Sew, Mama, Sew! Giveaway Day

  1. I believe the first thing I ever sewed was a pair of shorts. My mom helped me and I was 8. That was when I learned how to use the sewing machine, and although there have been plenty of down times in between then and now I have loved it ever since!

  2. My mom sewed a lot when we were young so I mostly watched her; I also learned more in a Home Ec class in school when I was 15-16. I started sewing “hardcore” last year at 33 😉
    Thanks for the chance to win that cute little elle

  3. I am a self taught rough it out sewer. I have learned by blogs and books and just trial and error…but that is just how I work!! **shrug** I tried my first dress for myself when I just got started and it was a hot mess….I learned a lot and that was about the best part of it….LOL I started when I was in my mid-20’s.

  4. My grandma and mom where always sewing or crafting when I was young. I didn’t sew with a sewing machine until I was about age 12.

  5. I learned to use a sewing machine when I was 16. My Mom showed me how to use it. I didn’t sew much until I was pregnant with my son and then I went on a cloth diaper sewing binge! Been at it ever since. 😀

  6. my mom showed me the basics when i was young. not sure how old i was. and i took a class in high school.

  7. I learned to sew in Home EC. Class…in Jr. High….prob 7th grade. After that I just pretty much taught myself….made alot of clothes for me…then my Kiddo’s, & now Grankiddo’s too….fairly new to Quilting world …. & looooovin’ it too!! 🙂

  8. I learned to sew in my early teen years from my Nana. The first thing I remember sewing was a wrap skirt. However I didn’t catch all of the fabric while stitching, and some of the seams came apart – of course while I was wearing it.

  9. I want this cutie soooo bad! Love him!! 🙂

    My mom and home ec teacher both taught me to sew first ~ I used to staple things together while my mom would sew when I was little so she was glad when I had more interest in normal sewing through school haha.

    As far as doing it on my own and having a major interest in it, I got a sewing machine in 2010 from my mom for my MA graduation present and taught myself to quilt/piece/sew from there!

  10. my mom tried to teach me to sew when I was in college- about 19 years old. It was a bit of a disaster. I was more results-oriented than I was skill-learning oriented.

    I tried again when I was 27 and I am now (30) and expert sewer! Guess a little maturity goes a long way!

    My sewing disaster was the time I sewed through my fingernail (ouch!). I called my mom to see what I should do- especially since she’s a nurse. Her response (after she stopped laughing her head off): “pull out the needle!”. Yeah….. thanks mom. (happy to report my finger is doing well).

  11. My mother must have taught me to sew, though I don’t really remember. Both she and my grandmother were wonderful sewists! I do remember embroidering a couple of hippos when I was around 10.

  12. My mom taught me how to sew. I guess I was 9 or 10. She made clothes and I made pillows 🙂
    I love your little Elephant. He is adorable!

  13. I taught myself how to sew when I was about 10 or 11 years of age from the book! I remember making a small stuffed animal hanging with felts! Back then, many young girls in Japan were hooked on making felted bag hangings and plush toys… Oh and I love your elephant guy!

  14. That is one cute pincushion, thanks for the giveaway! I started sewing/ quilting two years ago and have quilting books and generous blog tutorials to thank!

  15. My mom taught me to sew when I was 12, I believe!! I remember I had a lot of unfinished project because I didn’t like how it ended out or was frustrated!! But thankfully I now enjoy it and usually finish my projects!!

  16. I learned to sew from my mom when I was in grade school. The first big project I remember making was a shirt/shorts outfit for the school learning fair–4th grade, maybe?

  17. Adorable!!! My mom taught me to sew (and knit and crochet) when I was about 8. She’s very crafty too 🙂

  18. I don’t remember having any formal teaching, but I’m sure I picked it up from either my sister, mother, or grandmother (or a bit from all of them). The first sewing I remember doing, I was about 7 or 8 years old. I made clothing for some little dolls my grandmother kept on hand for the grandkids.

  19. I am a self taught sewer. I do better by hand than with a machine. My mom did a lot of machine sewing through the different places she worked. I was in my early teens when I first started sewing and doing cross stitch and have been doing it ever since. I now have my own business where sewing comes in handy.

  20. My Mom was wonderful seamstress, she never really taught me how to sew–she just did it. I started sewing in 7th grade in home ec though it wasn’t the ideal situation. I still don’t feel that I
    am good sewer, but I try!!

  21. How cute! My mother taught me to sew. I am not exactly sure on the age, but it was 10-12 years old…I can’t remember too much…but I was in 6th grade, so I think probably 11.

  22. Very sweet elephant. My mum taught me how to sew when I was 10 years old. I made a long skirt out of awful fabric but wore it anyways because I made it.
    mcintoshsusan@hotmail dot com

  23. i learned the basics from home ec and my mom when i was young (12-13), but didn’t get into it until i was newly married and needed to outfit an apartment on the cheap – hello, easy tab curtains! it’s snowballed from there and now i quilt for enjoyment. :)! thanks for the chance to win that adorable little guy!

  24. I am self-taught. I began when I was… I don’t know, maybe seven years old and I started sewing some basic skirts and shirts for my barbies. My mom was at her sewing machine so I would pick up her fabric scraps, scissors, thread and a needle and my barbie and just start hand-stitching tiny garments. It wasn’t long before I moved over to the machine.

    Love the fabric you chose for this elephant! 🙂

  25. I learned to sew my first skirt when I was 11. My Mom’s friend taught me. I learned to quilt by hand when I was 16. My grandmother taught me. And I began machine piecing quilts when I was 20. I taught myself. In my late 20s took classes at the Quilt Tree in Anchorage, AK and learned to machine piece, applique, and machine quilt.
    Thanks for the chance to win!
    Suzanne dot Jourdan at gmail dot com

  26. My mama taught me to sew when I was 9 or 10, starting with Halloween costumes. Then when I was 19, YouTube and blogs taught me everything else I know.

  27. I first learned how to sew when I was a kid. I don’t remember quite how old I was, but I loved it. I had a short brush with sewing in my teens and then I re-taught myself just a few years ago.

  28. Your sweet elephant is to die for- love!!! I was enrolled in after school sewing lessons in 4th grade, and was taught by a very patient lady, Mrs. Dietz.

  29. I learned how to sew in Home Ec when I was in the fifth grade. I loved it and started sewing more on my own at home.

    I adore this pincushion and will be buying one if I don’t win! It is adorable!

  30. I learned to sew from a friend when I was between grad school and my first real job. I made a quilt. It was originally going to be a throw, then became a queen-sized coverlet. I still love making them huge!!!

  31. Nobody really taught me. My mom had a machine that was rarely used, and one day in high school I just sat down and figured it out. Been sewing ever since. I taught all 3 of my kids to sew when they were little. The youngest (about to graduate college now) is the only one that really took to it, and he makes all the costumes for him and his friends when they go to anime conventions.

  32. I learned to sew in school – it was a required class. My mom had a machine that she didn’t use so I just kept on sewing at home and never stopped!

  33. i learned to sew in 4-H. I was 10 because that is the earliest you could be a 4-H member. I went on to sew for 9 more years in 4-H. Our first project was a triangle headscarf and gathered apron. I think I can still remember my projects from every year.

  34. So cute! My mother taught me very young, but we have different learning styles (she’s artistic, I’m creative but engineer-brained), so I re-taught myself everything.

  35. How darling! My mom taught me to sew when I was about 7. I hated it for years say about 40 years and then tried a few things and fell in love with sewing.

  36. I actually learned to sew about age 9, when my sister’s Girl Scout troop took sewing lessons at a local sewing machine store (I got to tag along). Thanks for sharing the adorable pincushion with us!

  37. I taught myself to sew “for real” in my 20’s. I had dabbled a bit as a kid, but it never stuck. I love the little elephant — I’ve made a few for gifts, but never for myself!

  38. I learned how to sew at age 37 (3 years ago). I’d bought a sewing machine 10 years earlier but given up. My aunt came over and taught me how to turn it on, thread it (!), and then I decided to make a quilt. I muddled through it with some good (and some bad) help from my LQS, and then I took a really comprehensive beginner class there. If you really want a disaster, I am happy to oblige. These usually entertain:
    Sewing Fail

    I’m always one yawn away from catastrophic failure, but I have fun. Thanks for the giveaway — I really do think lil elephant should come home with me — I do love Joel Dewberry.

  39. Who taught you how to sew? That would be my grandmother and mother. I went on to take home ec in school and had wonderful teachers.
    And at what age did you learn to sew? I started at about 7, but before school age, I was always at my grandma’s house, so I was around it from the beginning 🙂

  40. My grandmother originally taught me to sew when I was about 8, but I just recently returned to sewing at 24!

  41. I was 21 after I had my son and I wanted to make him a blanket. A friend of the family lent me her machine, showed me the ropes, and I’ve been hooked ever since!

  42. I was about 9 years old and my Mother taught me to sew on an old treadle sewing machine that had been retrofitted to run on electricity. I really like the elephant and hope to win. Thanks for the chance to win.

  43. I learned to sew in Home Ec class when I was in 7th Grade… so I must have been, what? 13 years old? I don’t think schools have home ec anymore, which is a total shame.

  44. I learned to sew (quilt really) when I was in my late 20’s and had my first child. I took a class and the rest is history. What a generous giveaway. Thank you for participating in the Giveaway Day.

  45. i taught myself to sew after my son was born at age 40-the first thing i made was a reversible crown and i was hooked-i know sew clothes, bags, potholders, pillow covers…-i love it! thanks for the adorable giveaway!

  46. I started sewing when I was in 7th grade home ec class. My grandma, who was a lifelong excellent seamstress, noticed that I loved sewing, so she made sure I had a nice sewing machine and encouraged me in every way. She would even let me choose stuff from her stash when I visited her. I hope I’ll be able to do that for a granddaughter someday!

  47. My mom taught me basics, and I think I made a little drawstring bag. But I never got too into it until a friend showed me how to make a quilt (and gave me a sewing machine) right after I got married

  48. Elly is just too cute to stick pins in!

    I can remember running the treadle on my grandma’s Singer when I was just a little girl…I guess I’ve been sewing my whole life!

  49. sew cute! I started sewing when I was very young, maybe 8 or 9? My mom taught me. The first thing I remember making was a stuffed cow from a panel, I slept with him for many years!

  50. My mom taught me to sew at around age 9 or 10. I used to take this skill for granted until I realized how many people don’t know how!

  51. My mom tried to teach me to sew when I was 7, which ended in me swearing to never touch a sewing machine again. I learned to quilt when I was 18. I asked my mom for guidance at times, but the first quilt (my best friend’s wedding gift) is attrocious! I didn’t have a clue about 1/4″ seams and just chopped off my blocks at the end of a row if they hung over!

  52. Both my mother and my grandmother taught me how to sew as a little girl. I am still not the greatest at it, but recently bought a machine and am trying to learn again. Still asking Mom lots of questions. . . Lol

  53. I am now following your blog! I forgot to give you an age at which I started sewing in my previous comment, I think it was probably around 7 or 8 years old. I am in love with this Elephant and hope he comes home to me! Thanks again!

  54. My mom tried to teach me how to sew when I was young, but I didn’t really start sewing more than bandanas or simple squares until the last 3 years.

  55. A bunch of old Japanese ladies taught me how to sew. I use to go to sewing lessons on Sundays when I was in grade school. I will always remember those old ladies. They were so strict, but man did what they taught me stick with me. I’m still sewing to this day!

  56. I’ve started learning the past couple months actually! I’m mostly teaching myself, and am almost finished with my first dress. I’m using the Pattern Runway gathered sundress pattern.

  57. I was about eight years old when my mom helped me make a skirt so I could dress like Laura Ingalls Wilder. I have come a long way since then. I remember sewing a dress for a school competition. It was down to the wire and I sewed a sleeve on upside down. I was devestated and decided not to finish the dress that night. I did end up wearing the dress to the end of the school year banquet.

  58. I did a home ec class when I was 11 but my teacher was semi-insane and mainly taught us to fear sewing machines (she got down on her knees and prayed so we wouldn’t get salmonella whenever she caught us eating raw dough). It wasn’t until I was 21 and I took a class on upcyling that I really learned to use a sewing machine and so I began my journey to teach myself to sew properly

  59. My grandma started teaching me when I was probably 8, but I didn’t really get into and start enjoying it until college. 🙂
    peachstateme (at) hotmail (dot) com

  60. I am self taught, though my Mom did show me how to use her machine. I think I was in middle school when I first sewed something, but I really started in college.

    Thanks! racergirl1313 AT hotmail DOT com

  61. My mother taught me to sew – initially just playing with scraps in the sewing basket – but when it came time to sew on machine, my papaw showed me a drawer full of patterns from the 1960s – all from my mother and aunts! So I began sewing clothes from the same patterns my mom sewed when she was my age!

  62. I had sewing classes when I was 26…an anniversary gift from my lovely husband! Thanks for the giveaway! Amy @ gasudimack(at)sbcglobal(dot)net

  63. I started hand sewing Barbie clothes when I was about 5. My grandmother wouldn’t let me near a machine until I was a teenager though (overprotective much?!) when I sewed my prom dress. After that I didn’t sew another thing until I was in my mid twenties. Now I’m hooked 🙂

  64. Ooh, I love that sweet little elephant so much! My mom taught me to sew. The first thing I remember sewing was a gift for my first grade teacher. A little pink pouch that I sewed by hand. Then my parents got me a Sew Perfect toy sewing machine that actually sewed! I was in heaven, and sewed anything and everything I could think of.

  65. My grandma and my mom taught me to sew. I remember hand sewing Barbie clothes in Kindergarten so that must be about when they started teaching me.

  66. My mom taught me to sew by hand when I was 5 or 6. I learned how to sew on a machine when I was 12 in middle school.

  67. I made some doll pajamas with my mom when I was 9 or 10 — and my mom DOES NOT sew. How they turned out is beyond me. Thanks for hosting!

  68. I learned to sew early in elementary school both at school (I attended a Waldorf school) and from my mom. Hand sewing was first, then I learned machine sewing a few years later. Such an adorable elephant!

  69. I learned to hand sew when I was 4-5. My great Auntie Ann taught me. She was so kind and I remember being in such awe of all the fabrics and what you could make with just a needle and thread! I then learned to sew on a machine when I was 12. I did 4-H sewing projects and even went to state fair once! Only because no one else competed! I was blown out of the water at the State level!! LOL 🙂 I’m 33 now and LOVE to sew!! And I’m definitely still in awe of fabric!

  70. My mother taught me how to sew. I learned a bit here and there but didn’t really start learning till college.

  71. Love the elephant. I learned to sew around the age of 13. I took a sewing class, and my mother also taught me. I don’t remember truly “getting it” until I was in my 30’s though!

  72. my mom taught me to sew. she used to sew most of my clothes growing up and she would let me help her as early as age 5 or 6 with pinning, cutting, and later on, sewing.

  73. I learned to hand sew when I was young, helping my grandma on hankerchiefs. I learned to quilt in my 20s….and am still learning and growing!

  74. I LOVE the elephant! It is so cute! My mom was always sewing as long as I can remember and I would make some things with her. I can’t remember at exactly what age it was I first sewed though.

  75. Mom would give me her cutoff hems when she hemmed pants and I started snipping them into square and just started sewing them up! I must have been about six at the time. She then bought me an embroidery placemats kit which I still have almost 50 yrs later! I’m a quilter now.

  76. Oh this is so darn cute!! I just realized I have no pincushions except a cheap tomato that came free somewhere, that’s pathetic! My mom taught me to sew simple squares together in high school. Just 10 months ago I found my love of quilting and haven’t looked back for a single second!

  77. My grandmother was a seamstress and taught me to sew when I was about 5, actually she was teaching my older sister, but I insisted. That elephant is the cutest thing I’ve seen today, thanks for the chance.

  78. I learned to sew in 4H and the first thing I sewed was a quilt for my porcelain doll. I think I was around 8.

  79. My grandmother taught me to sew but I have no idea how old I was. One of my earliest memories is sewing small projects with her with one of those big plastic needles so maybe around 3 or 4?

  80. I learned to sew from my great-grandmother and mother when I was about 8 but it wasn’t until I went off to college that I really fell in love with sewing.

  81. I learned to quilt from a book when I was in my twenties. A couple of decades later, I have been re-introduced to quilting/sewing by the online blogging community. Love this little elephant – thanks for the chance to win!

  82. Very cute elephant. I remember getting a small sewing machine for Christmas – I must have ben 6-10 years old (a little vague of a memory) but it was metal, olive and cream…I loved it 🙂

  83. I had various sewing experiences during my childhood, but didn’t like sewing back then and not much of it stuck with me. As an adult, I’m mostly self taught, but when I get stuck I call my Mom for help 🙂

  84. My grandmother taught me how to sew some time around 8-9 years old. She continued to give me lessons until I was well into my teens.

  85. My mom taught me to sew when I was about 7. I used a small toy sewing machine for a little bit, and then graduated to the real machine.

  86. My grandmother taught me to sew at 6 with a horrible knit dress pattern, I didn’t sew for another 20 years. I do love her tho.

  87. I tought myself at seventeen (thanks for the machine, Mom!) I made a quilt for my highschool sweetheart and presented it to him at his going-to-college party. I blame that quilt for him never letting me go! 😉 we have been together 13 years

  88. I’m a self taught seamstress (that really makes me sound more talented than I am). I bought a sewing machine about 10 years ago, took a class at the shop and I’ve been stitching straight lines (quilting) since then. The only catastrophes that have occurred, happen when I try to follow a pattern (folding chair covers for my wedding, dresses that always come out too small, totes that always look wonky…you know, the usual, right????) Thanks for the generous giveaway! I love this pincushion!

  89. I started sewing very young.. slowly… i did a lot of hand sewing as i grew up (my moms sewing machine just never worked right)

  90. I learned to sew from my mom, who was very patient with my impatience, from childhood through high school. I wish she were here to see how many times I will rip out a seam on a quilt block and try again.

  91. I learned to sew a little bit from my mom as a kid — I would mess around on her sewing machine to try to make myself a wrap skirt (when I was 11 or 12), and then in high school I decided out of nowhere to make my own prom dress. My mom helped me some, but I also taught myself a lot during that process! I taught myself how to quilt as an adult.

  92. I took sewing in school in 6th grade and 10th grade. But didn’t follow up with it. I recently started sewing again, but am coming to it slowly.

  93. I learned to sew through my 4-H group when I was 11. We started with making quilts and I still have my first one. A few years later, I got into sewing clothes and I love it!

  94. I was about 11, I think? My mother got me started then, with the basics, and later on she and I sewed clothes for my daughters together …she was pretty awesome. 🙂

  95. I took my first sewing class in high school, and still consider myself a novice. I bought my first sewing machine just a few years ago!

  96. I was taught to sew in Junior High School, I had two periods in Home Ec, first half of the year was cooking, second half was sewing.. I was 12

  97. this is the cutest pin cushion ever! I took a class at a local quilt shop and that’s how i learned the basics. Beyond that I have learned from the internet and so many great blogs.

  98. My mom tried to teach me when I was a kid and I was so frustrated. I tried again in my 20’s with some help from a cousin. This elephant is adorable.

  99. My grandmother taught me, by hand, when I was just wee- maybe 4? I would stitch together her scraps to make “Barbie clothes” (ugly togas that ended up just tied onto the dolls).

  100. My grandma taught me to sew when I was 10 or 11. She had a treadle machine that she insisted I use. I wanted to sew faster, but Mamo said that it was better to learn to sew more carefully and use the ripper less! I think she was right.

  101. I learned as a very small child to sew. as a todller. My Mother and Grandmother both did custom sewing forp eople out of their homes. Me and my sistes and brother literally grew up playing in the huge mountain of a scrap pile inthe corner. We were given hand needles with blunt ends until we graduated to a real pointy needle. We wouldhave contests to see who could make thte best project each day. Once we mastered baby doll quilts and doll clothes we moved up to the sewing machines and real clotheing and mending.Thank you for the chance to enter your giveaway.

  102. I got into sewing after I bought a table for 10 bucks at a thrift store to put beside my bed. It held a vintage singer 301. I got curious, tried it out and it has been sewing ever since.

  103. I was probably around 8 years old and I was in 4-H. My mom taught me. I remember making a drawstring bag and dresses later but I don’t remember any other starter projects. Getting too old 🙂

  104. I taught myself to sew at the age of 30! I have three girls and decided I better learn to sew them cute stuff! 🙂

  105. My mom taught me to sew when I was very young. First I made doll clothes. By 7th grade my friends and I all sewed. In fact, our first day in 7th grade we wore matching black and white checked straight skirts with a pleat down the front. We thought we were so stylish.

  106. My mother and aunt tried to teach me at the ages of 11-12. It was a dismal failure. EVERY time I used the machine it jammed. So I gave it up … until last year.

  107. That is so adorable! My mom taught me to sew. I learned the basics when I was in middle school, I think. I was making some clothes in high school – I made the outfit I wore to my graduation. I don’t sew as much now, but I still love that my mom passed her love of crafting on to me.

  108. Oh my, that elephant is so sweet and cute!

    My dad taught me lots of crafty things growing up, including some sewing. Then in 4th grade, my Girl Scout leader taught us all how to sew our own Halloween costumes. And finally, I volunteered to sew costumes for high school plays because I’m a bad actress. So my high school English teacher taught me how to REALLY sew. 🙂

  109. I learned basic sewing in home ec. In school. Dabbled off and on for years. Several years back my daughter turned me on to quilting! I have been hooked ever since!

  110. I didn’t REALLY learn to sew until I taught myself at age twenty. Since then I’ve worked as a professional seamstress, and am now a SAHM who sews for her kids. 🙂

  111. I learned to sew a couple of years ago (age 26). I had always wanted to learn and wanted something to do in the evenings when my husband was at work. I took the online sewing class by Freckled Nest.

  112. The Elephant pincushion is SO adorable!! I learned to sew when I was in Home Ec class. My Mom did not sew, so my Home Ec teacher introduced me. I sewed garments for a while, but then got the quilting bug, and I’ve not looked back 🙂

  113. I watched my grandmother sew but actually learned from a neighbor. She was really patient! I started in my teens. I love the elephant. He is so cute!

  114. My Grandma taught me to cross stitch when I was 9, but she had awful taste-pastel angels and such-so I didn’t really get excited about sewing until I was in my 20’s! I definitely recommend teaching people to sew by first asking them what colors and sorts of patterns they like! Lol.

  115. I learned in Home Ec when I was around 12. I wanted to take advanced classes, but the teacher didn’t like me because I was chunky-she made disgusting faces when the patterns didn’t fit me right. I regret not taking those classes anyway.

  116. my grandmother, she helped us make guest towels for my mother each year, My sisters and I made loads of doll clothes,

  117. what a cute elephant!!! I first learned to sew prolly around the age of 7 my aunt and gram taught me, but then i did stuff by myself so a lot self taught, tragedy when barbie clothing i made didn’t fit…triumph my first quilt 🙂

  118. My mother started teaching me to sew when I was 10 and joined 4-H. My first sewing projects were a linen dish towel and an apron. I’ve been sewing ever since, and taught myself to quilt 30 years ago by watching Sewing with Nancy and Quilt in a Day with Eleanor Burns.

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